Certified engineers


Geological measurement technology: The use of highly sensitive measurement systems to prevent damage and optimise construction execution

In the context of many construction activities – within the fields of building deconstruction, special civil engineering, well and sewer construction – increasingly highly sensitive measurement systems are used for geotechnical purposes (geological measurement technology) and for construction engineering uses (construction measurement technology). Through these, the smallest changes in the subsoil (and also in constructions) can be monitored, critical changes and loads can be recognised at an early stage, and negative effects can be  avoided safely.


Geomesstechnik bei der Baugrubenherstellung

Geological measurement technology for trench construction

Geological measurement technology in construction

Potentially damaging effects are first revealed through our geotechnical and construction engineering assessments. We first coordinate the collaboration of planners, officials and executing companies as the basis for the use of construction and geometric technology. Often, the complex interaction between the construction soil and the building is underestimated, as are the possible consequences. Finally, for many construction projects, especially in inner city locations, possible negative influences cannot be calculated with sufficient accuracy.

Reliable monitoring and management of construction measures and avoidance of damage require measurements, such as those in accordance with DIN 1054 observance methods, specific standards (DIN 4150, vibrations during construction, DIN 4107, and others) or regulations (AVV construction noise, among others). Furthermore, knowledge gained from geological measurement technology can serve to optimise the construction process and provide secure documentation.



Typical areas where construction and geomeasurement technology are used:

  • Measuring settlement/lifting in buildings and subsoil
  • Checking slopes/tipping for buildings and subsoil
  • Deformation of construction systems such as landfills, earth dams and trenches
  • Terrain movements on slopes, landslides, etc.
  • Crack monitoring in buildings
  • Vibrations in buildings and infrastructure facilities
  • Monitoring of wells and groundwater


Skills and cooperation

In addition to comprehensive engineering experience and expert management, aspects such as the design, installation, configuration and the operation of hardware and software in geological measurement technology require our professional attention. Our automatic measurement systems include the fastest-possible alerts sent by SMS/email as standard, providing secure data transmission and transparent presentation of measurement data over Internet connections from the geological measurement systems. Regular monitoring by remote access and on-site are an essential part of our quality assurance. We ensure reliable monitoring around the clock and in all locations.

Close collaboration and exchange of experience with market-leading manufacturers, such as Glötzl Gesellschaft für Baumesstechnik mbH or GGB Gesellschaft für Geomechanik und Baumesstechnik mbH , additionally contribute to continuous further development and adaptations to our geological measurement technology.



Dust, noise and vibration emissions at building sites

For demolition and underground construction work, especially in inner city areas, typical emissions such as dust, noise and vibrations can have many negative effects on the people in the vicinity, on surrounding buildings and technical systems. Using relevant monitoring systems, the automatic noise and vibration measurements are continuously monitored, and dust precipitation is measured, which helps to effectively prevent negative impacts and damage. Since exceedances are directly felt on the site and in real time, one can react immediately and effectively to prevent further potential damaging effects in a timely manner.




Do you have questions about measurement equipment?

Call us at:

+49 228 – 9897210


Read more about our company and the areas of construction soil and contaminated sites.

KÜHN Geoconsulting® GmbH is an independent consulting firm that has been active in the fields of subsoil consulting and remediation of contaminated sites for more than 50 years.

With an engineering quota of 74 percent and a workforce of over 50 long-standing employees, we are in a position to serve even major projects reliably, on time and to the highest quality standards.

With the experience from more than 22,500 orders, from single-family homes to high-rise office buildings, our employees develop professional, customer- and practice-oriented solutions.

Certifications and further training are an integral part of our corporate culture, so that you always receive the best state-of-the-art solutions from us.

Companies for which we have already completed projects and orders and who place their trust in us are HochTief, Deutsche Leasing, Vodafon or the city of Cologne. This is only a small selection. Feel free to ask us for further references.

